Black Cohosh - Cimicifuga racemosa
- Helps dark depression from emotional trauma or hormonal imbalance.
- Sedative properties, but also very effective for irritability and anxiety states centered around the menses, PMS or menopausal syndromes.
- A male or female reproductive tonifier and restorative.
Ginkgo - Ginkgo biloba
- Relieves depression, especially in the ederly, or those with arteriosclerosis or hearth disease, or after stroke. Improves brain circulation.
- Carries nutrients and oxygen to the brain, increases focus, memory.
Ginseng - Panax ginseng
- An adaptogenic herb that balances the body's response to stress.
- Involved in maintenance of neurotransmitters involved in depression.
- Increases stamina, energy levels, concentration and inmune response.
Gotu Kola - Centella asiatica
- Adaptogen capable of tonifying, revitalizing and rejuvenating the body.
- Increases general mental functioning, memory and concentration.
- Useful in depression related to sub-clinical hypothyroid conditions.
Kava Kava - Piper methysticum
- Best when anxiety is a component of the depressive syndrome.
- Relaxes and quiets the mind without producing hangover or sedation.
- Useful to decrease pain and muscule spasms, excellent for insomnia.
Lavender - Lavandula officinalis (Tincture)
- Relaxes the entire nervous system, lifting depression and moddiness.
- Soothes and calms sleeplessness, irritability and tension headache.
- Helps digestion, relives gas, bloating and cramping of nervous origin.
Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis
- Valued for its ability to raise the spirits in minor depression.
- Improves associated feelings of anxiety or panic, heart palpitations.
- Relieves restlessness, irritability, gastric acidity, spasms and bloating.
Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis
- Used in mild to moderate depression, faintness, weakness.
- Helps vague feelings of poor health, undue fatigue or exhaustion.
- Assists recovery from long-term srtess or illness, nourishes adrenals.
Schisandra - Schisandra chinensis
- Provides nervous system rejuvenation, improves mental sharpness.
- Relieves depression, irritability and insomnia with disturbing dreams.
- Improves memory, concentration and sexual stamina.
Skullcap - Scutellaria laterifolia
- Tones, nourishes and restores the nervous system. Used in serious mental exhaustion, depression, effects of overwork or prolonged sickness.
- Calms tension and stress, and is a help in insomnia, muscule spasms.
St. John's Wort - Hypericum perforatum
- Improves mood, ability to function fully. Decreases feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, exhaustion. Helps relieve insomnia.
- As effective as typical antidepressants, minus the side effects.
- Effective for depression with associated anxiety, panic attacks or pain.
- Relaxes spastic muscles, tremors, excitability and heart palpitations.
- Restores healthy sleep/wake cycle and decreases number of awakings.
Vervain - Verbena officinalis
- Anti-depressive, valuable in PMS and menopausal mood alterations.
- For poor recovery after illness or viral infection, including Epstein-Barr.
- Lowers blood pressure, relieves headaches, treats spleen disorders.